Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Science, Technology, And Exploration Essay - 888 Words

The scientific method refers to a group of steps that investigate phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, changing or correcting prior knowledge. The scientific method is used by all scientists all around the world. It’s a way for researchers to find cause and effect in experiments. The Scientific method is very important because the realm of life can be impacted by addition, without having an outlined plan for finding answers to the problems, it would be the world of unknown. Therefore, the scientific method is a standard that sets bars so the truth comes out. Moreover, without adequate research or report right, many things would be different in the realm of science, technology, and exploration. Therefore, in this paper, I will discuss Semmelweis’ entire investigation compare with the scientific method steps and how well does that capture what actually occurred. The scientific method refers to a group of steps that investigate phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, chan ging or correcting prior knowledge. The scientific method I will use through this essay is the six steps and the history of the vaccine. Both of these scientific steps are identifying the way for researchers to find cause and effects in experiments. The first step of scientific methods are commonly used is observation. According to the textbook, Observation is collecting and being curious about data and seeing a question or a problem – being curious how and why. Therefore, Semmelweis’ observation in theShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Space Race755 Words   |  4 Pagessuperior science and technology knowledge. After the Russians created the first satellite, the United States felt threatened that the Soviet Union would have military control over space and began to race against their rivals. 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