Monday, February 24, 2020

Analyzing the The Ecchoing Green Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyzing the The Ecchoing Green - Essay Example When we are born and are in our childhood, it is the most wonderful time just like the beginning of a new day. Everything good and joyous happens in that part of the life. The rhythm of the first stanza is fast which show the happiness of children playing in the ground. If our life is divided into three parts i.e. childhood, middle-age and old age, the first part is the most wonderful and merry just like the first stanza of the poem. In the second stanza, the old people are explained who are watching the children play in the ground. They forget their problems for some time. Soon they remember the times when they were children as then they also played like them on grassy ground. This is applicable to real life in its true form. When a person becomes old, the simplest of things remind him of his good old days when he used to be a child. The poem shows how old people feel happy and spry as they watch the children at play. A feeling of sadness can be detected when they sigh, â€Å"Such, such were the joys† (Line 17). The joys of childhood are gone in later years. It is, however, pleasurable and also painful, in old age to remember childhood that can never return. The same ground, The Echoing Green, is used to describe the childhood of the old people which is now in their memory. The time element is changed while describing that. This time, the allegory takes us directly to the old age and into the thoughts of the old people who are thinking about the past and the poem takes us with them to the past. As the sun sets, the children desire to move to their homes. They are tired and want to rest like the â€Å"birds in their nests†(Line 27). The poem shows well how small boys and girls run, jump, play and shout on grassy ground. This is applicable to real life as all the things, good, or bad, have to come to an end. The ultimate reality of life is death. The words â€Å"And our sports have an end† (Line 23) very clearly express that

Saturday, February 8, 2020


ECOLOGY, SUSTAINABILITY & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT - Essay Example In essence, the principal of sustainability encompasses several significant considerations that are associated with the concept of development as the foundations of this practice aim to work towards the protection of resources for future use. Grierson (2009; p.143) identifies two key objectives of sustainable development which are outlined as the attainment of an enhanced quality of life for all forms of life on Earth and striking a balance between the economic and social activities that are conducted by human beings and the efficient utilization of resources that have been granted by the natural environment. However, the aforementioned definition of sustainable development only represents a fraction of what the notion actually means and what it signifies in relation to the built environment. Indeed, sustainability must be practiced in each and every field to ensure that the planet’s ability to sustain life successfully is prolonged once the protection of natural resources is ensured. Nevertheless, the amalgamation of sustainability in architecture highlights the importance of comprehending the gravity of the situation and exploring areas of observation that require improvement so that the objectives of sustainable development can be achieved. ... Guy (p.126) understands that sustainable design is not merely a topic which needs to be evaluated or critiqued upon by means of abundant literature; this notion is best supported by the fact that even in today’s day and age the quest for uncovering the ideal solution which dictates the best practice of sustainable architecture has not been uncovered yet. Grierson (2009; p.145-146) expounds upon the challenges which are posed by the development of sustainable design by stating that any initiative which aims to work towards the establishment of sustainable communities should examine the several challenges that could arise as a consequence of this decision so that any difficulties or drawbacks are avoided in the future. The evaluation of sustainable design and development frameworks comprises of descriptions of various construction methods and procedures that are characterized by a high demand for quality which in turn encompasses economic, financial, social and environmental fac tors (Grierson 2009; p.146). Grierson (2009; p.146) postulates that the sustainability of a building should be calculated on the basis of its life cycle, which fundamentally implies that the quality of all aspects that are associated with the building must be considered to arrive at thorough conclusions. This notion is also evidenced by the research of Head (2006; p.5) who represents a comprehensive urban development framework by specifically taking into account a sustainable approach that is present in the researcher’s case study of Dong Tan Eco-City. The study recommends the adoption of an integrated approach to value through better design by highlighting the factors that are associated with