Saturday, December 28, 2019

C3, C4, and CAM Plants Adaptations to Climate Change

Global climate change is resulting in increases in daily, seasonal, and annual mean temperatures, and increases in the intensity, frequency, and duration of abnormally low and high temperatures. Temperature and other environmental variations have a direct impact on plant growth and are major determining factors in plant distribution. Since humans rely on plants—directly and indirectly—a crucial food source, knowing how well theyre able to withstand and/or acclimate to the new environmental order is crucial. Environmental Impact on Photosynthesis All plants ingest atmospheric carbon dioxide and convert it into sugars and starches through the process of photosynthesis but they do it in different ways. The specific photosynthesis method (or pathway) used by each plant class is a variation of a set of chemical reactions called the Calvin Cycle. These reactions impact the number and type of carbon molecules a plant creates, the places where those molecules are stored, and, most importantly for the study of climate change, a plants ability to withstand low carbon atmospheres, higher temperatures, and reduced water and nitrogen. These processes of photosynthesis—designated by botanists as C3, C4, and CAM,—are directly relevant to global climate change studies  because C3 and C4 plants respond differently to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and changes in temperature and water availability. Humans are currently dependent on plant species that do not thrive in hotter, dryer, and more erratic conditions. As the planet continues to warm up, researchers have begun exploring ways in which plants can be adapted to the changing environment. Modifying the photosynthesis processes may be one way to do that.   C3 Plants The vast majority of land plants we rely on for human food and energy use the C3 pathway, which is the oldest of the pathways for carbon fixation, and it is found in plants of all taxonomies. Almost all extant nonhuman primates across all body sizes, including prosimians, new and old world monkeys, and all the apes—even those who live in regions with C4 and CAM plants—depend on C3 plants for sustenance. Species: Grain cereals such as rice, wheat, soybeans, rye, and barley; vegetables such as cassava, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, and yams; trees such as apple, peach, and eucalyptusEnzyme: Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP or Rubisco) carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco)Process: Convert CO2 into a 3-carbon compound 3-phosphoglyceric acid (or PGA)Where Carbon Is Fixed: All leaf mesophyll cellsBiomass Rates: -22% to -35%, with a mean of -26.5% While the C3 pathway is the most common, it is also inefficient. Rubisco reacts not only with CO2 but also O2, leading to photorespiration, a process that wastes assimilated carbon. Under current atmospheric conditions, potential photosynthesis in C3 plants is suppressed by oxygen as much as 40%. The extent of that suppression increases under stress conditions such as drought, high light, and high temperatures. As global temperatures rise, C3 plants will struggle to survive—and since were reliant on them, so will we. C4 Plants Only about 3% of all land plant species use the C4 pathway, but they dominate nearly all grasslands in the tropics, subtropics, and warm temperate zones. C4 plants also include highly productive crops such as maize, sorghum, and sugar cane. While these crops lead the field for bioenergy, they arent entirely suitable for human consumption. Maize is the exception, however, its not truly digestible unless ground into a powder. Maize and other crop plants are also used as animal feed, converting the energy to meat—another inefficient use of plants. Species: Common in forage grasses of lower latitudes, maize, sorghum, sugarcane, fonio, tef, and papyrusEnzyme: Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylaseProcess: Convert CO2 into 4-carbon intermediateWhere Carbon Is Fixed: The mesophyll cells (MC) and the bundle sheath cells (BSC). C4s have a ring of BSCs surrounding each vein and an outer ring of MCs surrounding the bundle sheath, known as the Kranz anatomy.Biomass Rates: -9 to -16%, with a mean of -12.5%. C4 photosynthesis is a biochemical modification of the C3 photosynthesis process in which the C3 style cycle only occurs in the interior cells within the leaf. Surrounding the leaves are mesophyll cells that contain a much more active enzyme called phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase. As a result, C4 plants thrive on long growing seasons with lots of access to sunlight. Some are even saline-tolerant, allowing researchers to consider whether areas that have experienced salinization resulting from past irrigation efforts can be restored by planting salt-tolerant C4 species. CAM Plants CAM photosynthesis was named in honor of the plant family in which  Crassulacean, the stonecrop family or the orpine family, was first documented. This type of photosynthesis is an adaptation to low water availability and occurs in orchids and succulent plant species from arid regions. In plants employing full CAM photosynthesis, the stomata in the leaves are closed during daylight hours to lessen evapotranspiration and open at night in order to take in carbon dioxide. Some C4 plants also function at least partially in C3 or C4 mode. In fact, theres even a plant called Agave Angustifolia that switches back and forth between modes as the local system dictates. Species: Cactuses and other succulents, Clusia, tequila agave, pineapple.Enzyme: Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylaseProcess: Four phases that are tied to available sunlight, CAM plants collect CO2 during the day and then fix CO2 at night as a 4 carbon intermediate.Where Carbon Is Fixed: VacuolesBiomass Rates: Rates can fall into either C3 or C4 ranges. CAM plants exhibit the highest water-use efficiencies in plants which enable them to do well in water-limited environments, such as semi-arid deserts. With the exceptions of pineapple and a few agave species, such as the tequila agave, CAM plants are relatively unexploited in terms of human use for food and energy resources. Evolution and Possible Engineering Global food insecurity is already an extremely acute problem, rendering the continued reliance on inefficient food and energy sources a dangerous course, especially when we dont know how plant cycles will be affected as our atmosphere becomes more carbon-rich. The reduction in atmospheric CO2 and the drying of the Earths climate are thought to have promoted C4 and CAM evolution, which raises the alarming possibility that elevated CO2 may reverse the conditions that favored these alternatives to C3 photosynthesis. Evidence from our ancestors shows that hominids can adapt their diet to climate change. Ardipithecus ramidus and Ar anamensis were both reliant on C3 plants but when a climate change altered eastern Africa from wooded regions to savannah about four million years ago, the species that survived—Australopithecus afarensis and Kenyanthropus platyops—were mixed C3/C4 consumers. By 2.5 million years ago, two new species had evolved: Paranthropus, whose focus shifted to C4/CAM food sources, and early Homo sapiens that consumed both C3 and C4 plant varieties. C3 to C4 Adaptation The evolutionary process that changed C3 plants into C4 species has occurred not once but at least 66 times in the past 35 million years. This evolutionary step led to enhanced photosynthetic performance and increased water- and nitrogen-use efficiency. As a result, C4 plants have twice as the photosynthetic capacity as C3 plants and can cope with higher temperatures, less water,  and available nitrogen. Its for these reasons, biochemists are currently trying to find ways to move C4 and CAM traits (process efficiency, tolerance of high temperatures, higher yields, and resistance to drought and salinity) into C3 plants as a way to offset environmental changes faced by global warming. At least some C3 modifications are believed possible  because comparative studies have shown these plants already possess some rudimentary genes similar in function to those of C4 plants. While hybrids of C3 and C4 have been pursued more than five decades, due to chromosome mismatching and hybrid sterility success has remained out of reach. The Future of Photosynthesis The potential to enhance food and energy security has led to marked increases in research on photosynthesis. Photosynthesis provides our food and fiber supply, as well as most of our sources of energy. Even the bank of hydrocarbons that reside in the Earths crust was originally created by photosynthesis. As fossil fuels are depleted—or should humans limit the use of fossil fuel to forestall global warming—the world will face the challenge of replacing that energy supply with renewable resources. Expecting the evolution of humans to keep up with the rate of climate change over the next 50 years is not practical. Scientists are hoping that with the use of enhanced genomics, plants will be another story. Sources: Ehleringer, J.R.; Cerling, T.E. C3 and C4 Photosynthesis in Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Munn, T.; Mooney, H.A.; Canadell, J.G., editors. pp 186–190. John Wiley and Sons. London. 2002Keerberg, O.; Pà ¤rnik, T.; Ivanova, H.; Bassà ¼ner, B.; Bauwe, H. C2 photosynthesis generates about 3-fold elevated leaf CO2 levels in the C3–C4 intermediate species in Journal of Experimental Botany 65(13):3649-3656. 2014Flaveria pubescensMatsuoka, M.; Furbank, R.T.; Fukayama, H.; Miyao, M. Molecular engineering of c4 photosynthesis in Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology. pp 297–314. 2014.Sage, R.F. Photosynthetic efficiency and carbon concentration in terrestrial plants: the C4 and CAM solutions in Journal of Experimental Botany 65(13), pp. 3323–3325. 2014Schoeninger, M.J. Stable Isotope Analyses and the Evolution of Human Diets in Annual Review of Anthropology 43, pp. 413–430. 2014Sponheimer, M.; Alemseged, Z.; Cerling, T .E.; Grine, F.E.; Kimbel, W.H.; Leakey, M.G.; Lee-Thorp, J.A.; Manthi, F.K.; Reed, K.E.; Wood, B.A.; et al. Isotopic evidence of early hominin diets in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(26), pp. 10513–10518. 2013Van der Merwe, N. Carbon Isotopes, Photosynthesis and Archaeology in American Scientist 70, pp 596–606. 1982

Friday, December 20, 2019

Sociocultural Theory And Second Language Learning - 902 Words

Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning â€Å"Language is the most pervasive and powerful cultural artefact that humans possess to mediate their connection to the world, to each other, and to themselves† [Lantolf Thorne 2006:201]. The idea of mediation inherent in this notion of the language is a fundamental element of Sociocultural Theory [SCT], one of the most influential approach to learning and mental development since 1990s’, drawing on its origin from the work of soviet psychologist and semiotist Lev Vygotsky and many others. In this essay, I am going to describe major principles of SCT and its central constructs [particularly Semiotic Mediation, The Zone of Proximal Development] and I am going to provide some examples of related research that have been framed in these concepts. 1.SEMIOTIC MEDIATION The concept of semiotic mediation focuses on understanding of the ways in which signs carry, mediate, and constitute sociocultural meaning. According to Lantolf [2014], this sign-based process arises from interactions that occur in the social relationship culturally organized at both a macro level [institutional arrangements] and micro level [e.g. conversation]. In this part, I will outline main principles of the Vygotsky’s theory of linguistic mediation [based on the definition of language as a mean of mediation] and Whorf ‘s theory [based on definition of the language is as a shaper of ideas]. 1.1 The Linguistics Mediation of Psychological Processes â€Å"LanguageShow MoreRelatedSociocultural Theory And Second Language Learning1856 Words   |  8 PagesSociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning â€Å"Language is the most pervasive and powerful cultural artefact that humans possess to mediate their connection to the world, to each other, and to themselves† [Lantolf Thorne 2007:201]. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Execution Of Head Space Framework †

Question: Discuss about the Execution Of Head Space Framework. Answer: Non-Functional Requirements: Performance: Framework execution is the primary concern that the end clients acknowledge most. The execution of Head Space framework must regard bolster the business procedure. The framework must have the capacity to store a considerable measure of information for quite a while. The framework will deal with hundred assignments/asks for in parallel. The framework must not take over one moment to give data against a demand. The servers of the framework must be totally strong with the goal that they can bolster business changes. Reliability: A framework with great quality must have the capacity to meet the non-utilitarian prerequisite called dependability. The dependability is an unquestionable requirement have highlight for the data frameworks. For the clients of the framework, the unwavering quality is the method for having backing of the framework in business process or demand through the distance conceivable. In any case, as far as framework investigator, the dependability is the method for interfacing the product necessities with the equipment prerequisites. Programming constancy can be a more troublesome plan to understand. An item thing will bomb under particular conditions, with particular wellsprings of data, and given comparative data sources and conditions will tumble each time until the point that the explanation behind the failure is reconsidered. Along these lines, the constancy of an item thing is more about the unpredictable disclosure of defects coming to fruition due to various commitments with the system in various states. Security: Security is an extremely fundamental non-practical necessity of Headspace framework. The association must have the capacity to design the system of the framework with the goal that it can keep the digital assaults. The association will arrange its servers such that it will close down when a DDoS assault begins. The utilization of encryption will help the association to anticipate digital culprits to see the first information. In order to enhance the security, different servers can be used for different components. Taken as an example, the database and core system can reside in two different servers so that in case of cyber-attack, the threat cannot reach to the database. Usability: The usability of the framework alludes to the level of ease of utilizing the framework. The clients of the framework must have the capacity to comprehend the route of the framework from the earliest starting point of utilization. The UI must hold as less things as conceivable so the clients don't get strained while collaborating with the framework through the User Interface. The framework must basic as far as administrator associating area. In the event that the administrator segment is not reasonable at that point settling the framework can be a precarious or frequently outlandish assignment. Reviewof Cloud Based: Strength of PaaS cloud Based Solution: Cost Saving: The cloud based solution is a great solution for those SME or small and medium size organization that are suffering from financial loss or barriers. The organization can chose to use the service as per wish. Taken as an example, headspace can chose to pay as the resource usage. This will allow the organization to cut cost of IT maintenance and operations. Flexibility: The PaaS cloud based arrangement can be an extraordinary answer for Headspace, it requires a fluctuating data transfer capacity. The association can scale up the framework effortlessly by reaching the seller. The same should be possible if there should be an occurrence of diminishing the size of the framework. The deftness, PaaS cloud based arrangement can give the associations are exceptionally successful regarding stretching out beyond contenders. Disaster Recovery: The interest in strong debacle recuperation design can be an incredible method for sparing information. Anything can happen to the PaaS cloud reinforcement or database. For this situation of calamity, this recuperation design enables the association to counteract information loss. Increased Collaboration: The team working a shot at an undertaking of Headspace, they can alter information, make new records from remote area. The joint effort among the colleagues and workers will increment enormously. Remote Location Access: The employees as well as other end users of Headspace can utilize the cloud approach benefit, access to system from remote location, in every possible way. Strength of PaaS cloud Based Solution: Migration: One of the biggest issue in cloud computing is the vendor lock in. The vendor systems are completely different from one another. This creates issue in migrating from one cloud platform to another. The biggest challenge in this migration process is the configuration of the application for meeting the requirements of new Host. Downtime: The downtime can be considered as a standout amongst the most wrecking inconvenience of PaaS distributed computing. No PaaS cloud supplier, even the absolute best, would assert insusceptibility to benefit blackouts. PaaS distributed computing frameworks are web based, which implies your entrance is completely subject to your Internet association. Also, similar to any equipment, PaaS cloud stages themselves can fall flat for any of a thousand reasons. Less Security: The security in the PaaS distributed computing condition is low. The stream of data from the client to the PaaS cloud application through the open web association. Less Control: Headspace will have negligible control over its information. The seller will control the arrangement of the framework and also database framework. Irrational Cost for Long Term Plan: If the cloud computing is maintained, then the total cost of the system will be more than in-house application. No matter how much less an organization uses its system, a certain amount of capital has to be used. SDLC Approach: Predictive Approach: Advantages: Prescient methodologies are straightforward and basic for utilizing as a part of a venture administration approach The documentation of technique and results of the procedures are done legitimately The grinder of the prescient approach can be seen effectively by any colleague The pashas of a prescient model is finished one by one The phases of the prescient approach are unmistakably characterized The prescient approach is best for little ventures. The tasks that has less intricacy as far as necessities and determination are anything but difficult to utilize The prescient models are simple for overseeing. It is a direct result of the unbending nature of the model. Singular periods of the approach has diverse expectations and survey system Disadvantages: Figuring the advance inside the stages is troublesome In the event that the extend of the undertaking is longer than 5 months then this approach is not proper Regarding degree modification, the prescient approach is not strong The nearness of dangers inside the task is to a great degree high The prescient approach does not create any working application until the point that the task is finished The profitable approach is not legitimate for the perplexing and huge ventures This approach is not appropriate for the ceaseless changing prerequisites Adaptive Approach: Advantages: The approach enables the partners of undertaking to encounter fractional work arrangements The fast advancement of usefulness and also showing of those usefulness is conceivable The intending to complete the approach is low The required measure of assets are not as much as prescient approach The tenets of this approach are as low as could be expected under the circumstances The versatile approach is equipped for advancing broadly educating and collaboration This approach is anything but difficult to oversee This approach is appropriate for changing necessities Versatile approach is extremely sensible for the product advancement venture Disadvantage: Not suitable for managing complex conditions More risk of sensibility, common sense and extensibility A general course of action, a deft pioneer and composed PM sharpen is a flat out need without which it will not work Selection of Approach: From the above study it is clear that none of the approach alone can be sufficient. The features of both of the approach is essential for the project. The organization needs a robust approach that can support change of requirements. The approach of system development has to be flexible enough to produce prototypes in the middle of the phases. However, on the other hand, the organization needs proper documentation of all the stages. The most difficult piece of beginning another undertaking for any test chief or test lead in a start-up, private ventures or an endeavor is in reality to design the task. Traditionalists have confidence in waterfall philosophy as a settled practice that relies upon thorough documentation and unbending administration. Notwithstanding, dexterous has made a great deal of in-streets in present day groups as it is more versatile to the progressions which frequently make expectations very capricious. A solitary strategy can't be the main mallet to nail every one of the arrangements. The Agile-Waterfall Hybrid is regularly viewed as a savvy approach for embracing the two techniques without trading off excessively, basically using the best of the two universes. The principle point of the half and half approach is to empower groups to characterize necessities and adjust to changing prerequisites through ceaseless criticism and conveyance. The crossover strategy holds the lucidity and followin g arrangement of waterfall technique, while grasping the versatility and adaptability of coordinated. Bibliography: Ameller, D., Ayala, C., Cabot, J., Franch, X. (2013). Non-functional requirements in architectural decision making. IEEE software, 30(2), 61-67. Asadi, M., Soltani, S., Gasevic, D., Hatala, M., Bagheri, E. (2014). Toward automated feature model configuration with optimizing non-functional requirements. Information and Software Technology, 56(9), 1144-1165. Dinh, H. T., Lee, C., Niyato, D., Wang, P. (2013). A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches. Wireless communications and mobile computing, 13(18), 1587-1611. Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of big data on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115. Jorgensen, P. C. (2016). Software testing: a craftsmans approach. CRC press. Kaur, R., Sengupta, J. (2013). Software process models and analysis on failure of software development projects. arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.1068. Li, F. L., Horkoff, J., Mylopoulos, J., Guizzardi, R. S., Guizzardi, G., Borgida, A., Liu, L. (2014). Non-functional requirements as qualities, with a spice of ontology. In Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2014 IEEE 22nd International (pp. 293-302). IEEE. Rahman, M., Ripon, S. (2014). Elicitation and modeling non-functional requirements-a POS case study. arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.1936. Rittinghouse, J. W., Ransome, J. F. (2016). Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press. Stol, K. J., Fitzgerald, B. (2014). Two's company, three's a crowd: a case study of crowdsourcing software development. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (pp. 187-198). ACM. Turk, D., France, R., Rumpe, B. (2014). Assumptions underlying agile software development processes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.6610.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Surviving on a desert island free essay sample

Being stranded on a deserted tropical island is not ideal for most people, especially if you are alone. Although many people who end up in these situations get rescued, it is still important to know five essential tips to survive. Giving purpose to items often ignored and utilizing all available resources is vital. Water is an extremely important essential to surviving, water makes up more than two-thirds of our body weight and works in many different ways to maintain our body’s health, stabilize our metabolism, and keeping digestion in order. A reason why the island you are stranded on is deserted might be because of the lack of fresh water. If you cannot find a stream nearby then look for coconuts, the milk inside is high in potassium and a variety of minerals. Although you cannot survive off of coconut milk, it will last you until the next rainfall. Collect as much rainwater as you can, because you never know when the next one will occur. We will write a custom essay sample on Surviving on a desert island or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Assuming you cannot contact anyone from your cellphone because there is not a signal on the island, getting noticed is also extremely important. Building a fire that creates lots of smoke is recommended. Using dead and dry palm leaves creates a thicker more noticeable smoke. Collecting dry tinder from trees is helpful, especially hibiscus tree’s, which are common on most Pacific islands. A fire is also important for cooking food, staying warm and keeping the insects away. As for food, fishing is an obvious go to. But remain cautious of the types of fish you eat. Stay away from fish with spikes or abnormal structures. Fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, they reduce blood pressure; they are rich in protein, vitamin D, calcium and many minerals. If you have hunting skills you could also go hunting, there is likely to be boars on the island and a variety of other meaty animals. Building a shelter is vital; it needs to be done before dark. That way you do not have to go snooping through a forest in the middle of the night in which you have no idea what lies ahead. Find a spot that provides protection from the wind, sunlight, and animals. Use â€Å"Y† shaped sticks for the frame and dead palm tree leaves for the roof. Search for a vine to tie together everything so it stays put. Put leaves in the inside of your hut to create a floor to rest on. Waiting patiently is very important. Keep yourself busy so you do not feel like you are going crazy. Go for a swim, work on building a safer shelter and explore the forest. You have plenty of time on your hands, so do as much as you can to make the time pass until you are rescued.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues Essay Example

Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues Paper The stories that have been chosen for the essay are Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin and Pauls Case by Willa Cather. These stories have a lot in common but they are also very different in their approach towards life. It can be said that the similarities become the contrasts due to the negative use of ideas. The main characters in both the stories are rebels. Their ideas are radical and against the norms of the society. The love for music, art, theater and the ambience of beauty is in the rebels, both Sonny and Paul. This is a similarity they share but the contrast comes in when music uplifts Sonny from his blues or misfortune and gives him a reason to live, Paul does not want to work towards a better life in order to enjoy the art which he loves. The ending in the stories is the surprise element. The difference in the point of view of the characters changes the ending, completely. Sonnys outlook is of hope and the future is bright because of positive thinking while Pauls end is a long tunnel of depression which ends in despair where he gives up his life. In Sonnys Blues, Sonny is a rebel who in his very young days became a drug addict. We will write a custom essay sample on Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer His brother, the narrator of the story, had not met him for a very long time. The brother wanted to help Sonny to get on with his life. Sonny loved music. He loved to play the piano, it uplifted him. This was his world. It liberated him from his troubles and turbulation of life. Sonny takes his brother to the club where he plays, to make him understand his passion and conviction for music and how much he has suffered. He is now on the path to recovery. After his performance Sonny looks at his brother, nods and takes a sip of the drink sent by his brother for him. This moment describes the understanding which they share and how their relationship grows. In Pauls Case, Paul is a rebel who is in constant trouble at school with his teachers as he has an attitude problem. His defiant manner and his whole attitude was symbolized by his shrug and his flippantly red carnation flower which he wore when he had to appear before his principal and teachers. His relationship with his family, his father is nonexistent. He took Paul out of school and put him to work at a factory, while his job as an usher at Carnegie Hall which acted as his temporary refuge from his life was snatched away from him . Paul too loved music. He loved the ambience of Carnegie hall and even though the symphonies did not mean anything to him it freed some hilarious and potent spirit within him. He felt a sudden zest of life. He loved the good life which he tried to live with the stolen money in New York. He stayed at Waldorf Astoria Hotel, got fancy shoes, shopped at Tiffanys and this was how he wanted to live his life as he describes it as only for a moment, these were his own people, he told himself. However, the difference in the point of view of the main characters changed the end of the stories. Sonny is a recovering drug addict who makes music his source of inspiration to work towards a better future. His family is his support. He makes his brother understand what he has gone through and explains his need to get away from the atmosphere which had pulled him in the dark hole. In Sonnys Blues life is approached with a positive attitude. In Pauls Case, Paul had no reconciliation with his family, when he had to return to Cornelia Street (his home) he did not want to go back. He ends his life rather than face the reality of the situation. He lived in his dream world but had no intention of working for a better life. Hence, we see that the difference of attitude of dealing with problems of the main characters, Sonny and Paul affect the stories. Though the stories are set in different times, the characters and the problems are prevalent in every generation. The main thing is how we deal with them because that is what changes the direction of ones fate.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Explore Earning an Ed.D Degree

Explore Earning an Ed.D Degree If youre looking into graduate school programs, you are probably inundated with seeing a ton of acronyms. In the educational field, you may have seen the Ed.D. degree referenced. What is an Ed.D. degree? How is it different or is it at all from that of earning a Ph.D. in education? Is one degree better than the other? How can you tell which graduate degree to pursue? The Ed.D. is a doctoral degree in education. Similar to the Ph.D., doctor of philosophy that is awarded in all disciplines, the Ed.D. entails several years of study and the completion of doctoral (and sometimes masters) comprehensive exams as well as a dissertation. Although students of education may seek either the Ph.D. or Ed.D., the Ed.D. is thought to be a  specialized degree in education, entailing applied and professional training comparable to that of the Juris Doctor, or J.D. degree, which is for the legal field. How To Use an Ed.D. Degree Students who choose to pursue an Ed.D. degree can do so for careers in counseling, curriculum development, teaching, school administration, education policy, technology, higher education, or human resources leadership. Upon earning this degree, a person could be a professor or lecturer at a university. Graduates can also pursue work as a school principal or superintendent. Ed.D. vs. Ph.D.: Which One is Better? There has been some debate regarding which degree is better. The Ph.D. is more theoretical and research-based, so it prepares people for careers in the academic arena. The Ed.D., on the other hand, prepares students for careers that solve educational problems. Differences between the two are actually quite minimal. One assessment found that  Ph.D. dissertations contained more multivariate statistics, had wider generalizability and were more prevalent in certain areas of concentration, while Ed.D. dissertations contained more survey research and were most prevalent in educational administration research.   A New Ed.D. On the Way? The degree itself is still at the center of many controversies.   Some people in America say that the programs need to be reformed. They have suggested creating a new doctorate degree for practicing education for people who wish to become  for principals, superintendents, policy coordinators, curriculum specialists, teacher educators, program evaluators, and the like. Then the Ph.D. would be more focused on academia, research, and theory in general. Some experts and scholars say that the difference between the Ed.D. and Ph.D. would then be similar to the difference between having a Ph.D. in biomedicine and becoming a practicing doctor or M.D. One suggestion for the new name of the reformed  degree could be known as the Professional Practice Doctorate (P.P.D.), or it might retain the old name of Ed.D. but be more focused on this distinction.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why would Basel III be Effective on Hedging Against Financial Risks Essay

Why would Basel III be Effective on Hedging Against Financial Risks and another Potential Financial Crisis - Essay Example The risk created due to the changes in the economic situation quickly eroded the capital of the banks thus making Basel II also a pro-cyclical accord. (Varotto)1 Basel-III is a new initiative by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision to improve the liquidity as well as the capital adequacy of the banks amid the financial crisis. Though still in the consultative phase, Basel III is considered as an upgradation of the existing Basel –II framework and has placed new requirements on the economic capital of the banks. According to the new changes, the core capital of the banks will be increased as a percentage of the Tier 1 capital of the bank where the Tier 3 capital of the banks and financial institutions may be scrapped under the new rules. There will be many major changes under the new capital accord making banks more capable of facing the challenges of any future economic shocks. (Standard & Poors)2 This paper will discuss the notion of why Basel III will be effective on h edging against the financial risks and other potential financial crisis in the future. Prior Research Basel-III is still in a consultative phase and there is generally a dearth of the research on the topic and how it is going to affect the financial system. Basel II was launched in order to make banks’ capital more risk sensitive in the wake of the overall risks faced by the financial system as a whole. The current financial crisis has largely exposed the inability of the Basel II to actually safeguard the banks against the changes taking place at the global level due to the financial crisis. (The Economist)3 It’s being argued that the Basel-II failed to allow the banks to safeguard themselves against the extreme stress faced during the current economic crisis. Basel-III accord is therefore aimed at ensuring that balance sheets of the banks should be further strengthened to help them safeguard against the extreme situations. (Hauswald)4 It is also argued that Basel II was actually the underlying cause of the current financial crisis and Basel-III may not also result into better management of the banks in the wake of the potential financial crisis. This line of argument is however, based upon the notion of the pro-cyclical nature of the accord and how banks can actually circumvent the regulations in order to take benefit from them. (Lall)5 It is also argued that Basel-III may slow down the economic growth- a feature which was actually not present in the previous Basel accords. This is due to the higher liquidity requirements for the banks as well as the holding of large amount of Tier-1 capital thus restricting the ability of the banks to lend aggressively. (Corrigan)6 Understanding the Main Proposals of the Basel III Framework Basel-III is different from Basel II and Basel-I on different counts including the introduction of two new ratios which banks have to manage besides changing the ratios for the core capital and Tier 1 capital while at the s ame time eliminating the Tier 3 capital altogether. As such new Basel-III accord attempts to lay down new rules and regulations for capital, liquidity as well as the leverage of the banks to improve their risk management practices, supervision and internal governance mechanism. (Summerfield)7 The overall purpose of the accord is to strengthen the capital of the banks so that the extreme risks arising due to the financial crisis could be avoided. It is because of this reason that the new accord proposes to hold more buffer capital while at the same time advocating for higher cash holdings. As such, new accord propos